Should I Quit My Job? How To Know And What To Consider

Have you been asking yourself lately, “Should I quit my job?” Well, quitting a job is a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly, but that doesn’t mean it’s out of the question. Rather, it’s important to have all the facts before you make a choice that affects your future so much.

Should i quit my job

Besides the financial impact of quitting, it could also have an impact on your long-term career goals.

In fact, 80% of people who quit their jobs during the Great Resignation actually regretted doing so.

Keep reading to find out the best reasons to leave a job and what to consider before you quit. Also, take our short quiz to help you decide if it’s time for you to look for a new career or not.

7 Signs it’s time to quit your job

There are many reasons people leave their jobs.

In some cases, it’s for personal reasons, while other times, it might be related to the job itself. Here are some of the most common signs that you should quit your job.

1. Toxic environment

Working in a toxic environment is a big sign that you should quit. If you have a lot of conflict at work, or your boss or colleagues are bullying or manipulating you, then it might be a good sign to quit.

Being in a toxic environment is not only unenjoyable, but it is also stressful and taxing on your mental health. A toxic environment can lead to or contribute to anxiety, depression, or possibly other mental health issues.

2. No growth

If you’re stagnating at work and aren’t being challenged, then it could be a sign that you should quit. It is common to advance as you progress in your job, whether that means taking on more challenging projects, getting a promotion, or learning how to ask for a raise or other benefits.

If you’ve been at your job for a few years and have expressed to your boss that you’d like more responsibility, but they haven’t listened, then moving on could make sense.

3. No support

If your boss is not very supportive and doesn’t have your back when work gets stressful, then chances are it’s not a great work environment. Or perhaps your colleagues or boss discourage you from taking on more responsibility or are unsupportive of the extra education you want to pursue for your career.

It can be frustrating if you feel a general lack of support from those around you at work. It may be time to look for something else if you’ve talked to your boss and they aren’t helping you to feel like a valued member of the team.

4. To switch fields

Another common reason people quit their jobs is to change careers. If you’ve been considering a different career path, then quitting could make sense.

While you switch fields, it could be that you need to go back to school or get certified for your new career and are unable to balance your current job.

Depending on the type of career you want to change to, try starting a side hustle or freelance to support your transition to a new career.

5. Lack of passion

Sometimes you may find that you just aren’t interested in your career choice anymore, and that’s okay! A lack of passion or dissatisfaction at work is common.

In some cases, you might find that you don’t fit the work culture or you just don’t like the company’s leadership style. In that case, deciding to find a new job could be a good solution.

6. To go back to school

I left one of my first jobs as a reporter because I wanted to go to grad school in London. It was a difficult decision because I loved my job. But I knew I wouldn’t have the same opportunity again, and I would have regretted it if I didn’t take a leap of faith.

Going back to school to further your career and increase your career opportunities is a legitimate reason to want to quit your job, even if it’s a career you love!

7. To relocate

While relocating for a job is less common than it was a few years ago, it’s still a good reason to quit a job. Maybe your partner got a new job in a different city, or maybe you want to move to be closer to family.

Regardless of the reason, moving is an acceptable reason to want to leave your job, especially if high-paying remote jobs aren’t common at your company.

Things to consider when deciding, “Should I quit my job?”

Quitting isn’t a decision that should be taken lightly. Here are a few things to consider if you’re wondering, “Should I quit my job?”

Why do you want to quit?

First, ask yourself why you want to quit your job.

Is it for personal or professional reasons? Are you unhappy at your job because of the work you do or because of a colleague? Or are there personal things going on in your life that are affecting your work life?

Try to determine if the reason you want to quit your job is external or internal. It’s normal to not be happy all the time at your job.

Knowing if it’s just a lull that will get better or if it’s something that has been going on for a while will help you determine if quitting your job is the answer.

Do you have another job offer?

Before you quit your job, it’s best to have another one lined up. Do you have another job offer, or are you still job hunting? Before leaving, try to get another job.

If you’re quitting to go to school, then getting a job might not be an option, or you might want to consider getting one of the best work-from-home jobs to help pay for college expenses.

Are you financially stable?

Another consideration to think about before deciding if you should quit your job or not is your finances. If you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck, quitting your job might not be a good option.

If you don’t have another job lined up, try to have at least three-to-six months of necessary living expenses saved up in an emergency fund.

The same goes for debt. Quitting your job when you have a lot of debt and very little savings can mean it will take longer to pay off what you owe, even knowing the best way to get out of debt.  

Do you have dependents?

When you’re single and don’t have any dependents, then you will have more flexibility than someone who has kids or is thinking of starting a family.

f you have dependents, think about what impact it will have if you quit your job. Do you have enough savings, and are you financially stable enough to support them?

What about your benefits?

Do you have good benefits at your current job? If you do, then you might want to carefully consider your next steps, especially if you or a dependent rely on those benefits.

There’s no guarantee that your next employer will offer the same benefits, like health care, a retirement plan, or remote work options. If you heavily rely on those benefits, then you may need to reconsider your options before you quit.

Can you renegotiate with your employer?

In some cases, the issues you are facing at work can be solved. Before you put in your notice, try to talk to your boss or manager about why you are unhappy at work. Talk to the HR team about the possibility of getting a raise.

If you feel stuck because you aren’t growing or are bored, ask for more responsibility at work. Letting your employer know that you are unhappy may solve the issue so you don’t have to worry about quitting your job.

Expert tip

If you are going to quit your job, make sure that your finances are in order first. Try to have a few month’s worth of monthly expenses saved in your emergency savings.

In addition to having a job lined up before you give your notice, also consider your next career move.

Doing all of these things ensures that you leaving your job doesn’t affect the rest of your life negatively. You can instead focus on the present and what’s next.

Should I quit my job quiz

Still unsure if you should leave your job? Answer the questions to this short “Should I quit my job” quiz to help you figure it out!

1. Do you get anxious or depressed at work?

2. Are you bored at work?

3. Do you often count down the hours you have left to work?

4. Do think you aren’t making good use of your skills?

5. Do you feel unappreciated at work?

6. Do you feel like you don’t share the same values as your colleagues?

7. Do you not get paid enough for the work you do?

If you answered yes to most or all of these questions: You might want to consider looking for a new job.

If you answered yes to just a few of these questions: You might want to do some further reflection to get really clear.

Answered no to most of these questions? Then maybe quitting your job doesn’t make sense for you right now. However, if you are reading this article, perhaps a break or vacation can help you reset.

Should I quit my job if I am unhappy?

If you are unhappy with your job, it might make sense to look for another job or find ways to cope before you are able to quit. Being unhappy at work can take a toll on your mental health. Find out what to do when you hate your job, even if it takes you a while to find a new career.

Is it okay to quit a job suddenly?

It’s usually not the best idea to quit a job suddenly. In many cases, you’ll need to give at least two weeks’ notice before you leave as most job contracts require this.

You don’t want to be subject to any income losses or burn any bridges as a result of quitting your job suddenly. If you want to leave, try to get another job first so that you don’t end up struggling financially.

Can I leave my job for mental health reasons?

Mental health is important, and it’s okay to quit your job for mental health reasons. Sometimes we all need a little bit of time off to slow life down, especially if you’re suffering from burnout. If this is how you are feeling, be sure to seek the right kind of support to get you through.

Whether it’s speaking with a trusted friend or colleague or working with a mental health professional, there are many ways to get support with mental health concerns.

If you’ve enjoyed this article on if you should leave your job, check out this related content:

Think carefully before quitting your job and do it the right way!

If you’re still wondering if you should quit your job after taking our “Should I quit my job quiz”, then take some time to consider why you want to leave and your career aspirations.

There are many reasons, whether that’s because you are unhappy or you want to go back to school. Regardless of the reason, make sure your finances are in order as well as your money mindset before you leave your job. Your bank account and investments will thank you later!

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