20 Fun Ways To Save Money With These Old-School Pastimes

20 Fun Ways To Save Money With These Old-School Pastimes

20 Fun Ways To Save Money With These Old-School Pastimes

Just because you are trying to save money does not mean you cannot still have a good time. Sure, you might not be able to blow a bunch of money on those fancy cocktails at that swanky bar you love or spend a considerable amount of your income on weekend getaways, but you know what? Sometimes, the simple joys in life can be just as fulfilling for you.

That being the case, let’s look at a few old-school pastimes you can try that do not require you to empty your bank account but can be tons of fun, too!

1. The Humble Crossword Puzzle

Okay, so you might be wondering why we have started a list of fun things to do with a crossword puzzle, but have you ever actually done one? They might seem a tiny basic in a world where you can kill realistic zombies on your 60-inch TV screen, but the humble crossword is surprisingly engaging, challenging and ultimately satisfying. It’s also dirt cheap and often free online, so if you’re looking to save money and still have some fun, you can’t say fairer than that!

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2. Host a Potluck Game Night

Remember when people talked to each other at parties instead of being glued to their phones? Why not bring that back with a potluck game night? It’ll be cheap because everyone will bring a dish, and you probably already have a board game or two lying around, right? It’s incredible how much fun you can have tryin’ to bankrupt your friends in Monopoly or show off your superior trivia skills to your sister! Best of all? It’s a minimal spend, guaranteed old-school pastimes.

3. Dive Into DIY Crafts

Unleash your inner artist with DIY crafts that can be as simple or complex as you like. Scour Pinterest for inspiration, or tackle that home improvement project you’ve been putting off. Crafting can be a therapeutic and productive way to spend your time, turning materials you already have at home into decor, gifts, or even upcycled fashion. Plus, it’s always a win when you can say, “Thanks, I made it myself!”

4. Get Lost in a Library

The library is the best friend of people looking to save money everywhere. With a library card, you can access as many books, DVDs, and video games as you want without spending a single dime. So, you can organise games nights, book clubs and movie nights that will cost you very little, if you visit the library too. 

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5. Reignite the Romance of Letter Writing

In a world dominated by emails and instant messaging, there’s something profoundly personal about receiving a hand-written letter. Grab some paper and a pen, and write a letter to a friend or family member. It’s a thoughtful way to connect and share your life in a more intimate way than social media allows. Who knows, you might kickstart the old-school pastimes of a pen pal revival.

6. Master the Art of Origami

All you need is paper and some patience to start your origami adventure. This ancient art of paper folding is both mesmerizing and meditative. Start with simple designs like cranes or frogs, then challenge yourself to more intricate figures. Display your creations around your home, or give them as gifts. Either way, it’s a cost-effective hobby that enhances your talent and creativity.

7. Explore the Great Outdoors

Whether hiking, biking or a simple stroll in the park, getting outside is a rejuvenating pastime that costs nothing. Engage with nature, exercise, and maybe even discover new areas of your neighbourhood. Organize a group hike or take your furry friend for a long walk, and you’ve got an afternoon that’s as good for your soul as it is for your savings.

8. The Timeless Joy of Gardening

Start a garden—it can be as simple as a few herbs on your windowsill or as grand as a backyard veggie plot. Gardening is not only relaxing but also incredibly rewarding. There’s nothing quite like the taste of a tomato that’s gone straight from your garden to your plate. Plus, it can save you money on groceries in the long run.

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9. Revive the Family Album

In the digital age, photos often live on our devices and seldom see the light of day. Change that by creating physical albums or scrapbooks. It’s a great way to relive old-school pastimes while preserving them for future generations. Make an event out of it; gather the family, pull out old photos, and tell the stories that go with them. It’s a heartfelt way to connect and a fun trip down memory lane.

10. Karaoke Night at Home

Why go to a karaoke bar when you can host one at home? Queue up YouTube on your TV, grab a hairbrush for a microphone, and belt out your favourite tunes. It’s a hilarious, entertaining way to spend an evening, and it’s completely free—unless you want to splurge on some snacks.

11. Stargazing

Enjoy clear nights by exploring the cosmos from your backyard or a local park. All you need is a blanket and a curiosity about the universe. Apps like Star Walk or SkyView can help you and your family identify constellations, planets, and satellites. Stargazing is free and a majestic reminder of the vastness out there, sparking discussions about science, mythology, and the nature of the universe itself.

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12. Vintage Film Nights

Who needs a movie ticket when you can access classic films online or in your local library’s DVD collection? Host a vintage movie night featuring classics from different eras. It’s a great way to introduce your family to films they might never pick off a streaming queue. It also opens up old-school pastimes and discussions about history, storytelling, and how cinema has evolved over the decades.

13. Community Volunteering

Turn free time into fulfilling time by volunteering. Many organizations welcome helping hands for various activities, from local animal shelters needing dog walkers to community kitchens that could use a chef. Volunteering costs nothing but enriches your life experience, connects you to your community, and instils a sense of accomplishment and empathy in children.

14. Biking Adventures

Dust off those bicycles and hit local trails or city bike paths. Biking is a fantastic way to see different parts of your area while getting some exercise. Make a day of it by packing a picnic lunch and stopping at interesting spots. Many cities offer low-cost bike-sharing programs if you don’t have bikes, making this a budget-friendly adventure.

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15. Be a Tourist in Your Own City

Put on your tourist hat and explore your city or town. Visit historical sites, local museums, or new exhibitions—many of which have free admission days. Discovering hidden gems in familiar locales is fun and deepens your appreciation for your home and its history.

16. Geocaching

Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure-hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location. It’s a beautiful way to combine technology with an adventurous spirit and can involve the whole family.

17. Learn a New Skill Together

With countless online tutorials, learning a new skill doesn’t have to cost much. Choose something you can do together as a family, such as learning to juggle, basic carpentry, or even coding simple computer games. It’s a productive way to use your time and brings you closer as a family. Who knows? It might even lead to a new hobby or passion.

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18. Start a Book Club

Form a family book club where everyone reads the same book and then discusses it. This could be extended to friends and neighbours as well. Rotate who chooses the book to ensure variety. Discussing different themes and characters can offer insights into each other’s thoughts and feelings and is a great educational tool, especially for kids.

19. Backyard Camping

Set up a tent in the backyard and have a camping night at home. You can make it as authentic as possible with a campfire (safety first!), roasted marshmallows, and ghost stories. It’s a great way to enjoy the outdoors without the hassle of packing, travelling, and spending money on campsite fees. This is a great old-school pastimes if you have kids, in particular.

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20. Bird-Watching

Bird-watching is a serene and educational pastime that requires a quiet spot and patience. You can find guides online or at the library to help identify local bird species. This hobby promotes quiet observation and patience, plus it’s a perfect way to connect with nature.

These old-school pastimes might be good old, but they are still a lot of fun. More importantly, they will not strain your budget, so if you want to save some cash, give them a go. You might be pleasantly surprised. Just keep an open mind! 

20 Fun Ways To Save Money With These Old-School Pastimes

  • Jasmine Watts

    I am a fashion enthusiast with a deep passion for writing, internet marketing, and entrepreneurship. After graduating from college, my world was rocked when I realized how different college life was from “the real world”. This mentality led me to create Miss Millennia Magazine LLC, an online mag for women who were also transitioning from college life into the real world.

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